Saturday, August 13, 2005

Dark Side

Everyone has a side of them that they don't really like to display to the world or are afraid that it may take over. Just like my saying goes, you can't judge a book by its cover and you can't judge an author by their book. Everyone has something they want to hide, whether it be a memory that isn't really pleasurable, a secret that would destroy relationships, or just something that they like that others would not have guessed and it's hard for them to admit it. (*cough* I know one person knows what I mean ^^;;;;) I guess for me it's two parts of me that I don't admit to having very easily. One is my more violent and angry side. Few people have seen me mad, not just annoyed or upset, but punching the wall and yelling my head off kind of mad. I don't like to show it because I guess I'm kind of a control freak. When I get mad I do things that could have negative effects and once I come to grips with what I just did, I get depressed or sad. There are people that I would just like to strangle the life from with my bare hands but I know that violence doesn't solve anything, but sometimes I don't really give a damn. I have soo much anger stored up inside me sometimes that it becomes really hard to calm down. The other side that I don't like to show is.....well I guess you could call it hormones. I just.....well it's hard for me to just let it out because I don't want it to take control because all my life I thought that people that let their hormones control their brains were complete morons...but I guess it's who I am so why should I hide it? At times I think of just letting it out but I have never shown anyone much of that side so I don't know when exactly would be an appropriate time. It's nothing horribly bad, it's not like I want to go around grabbing random girls butts or anything, I guess it's just kind of a side of me thats a perv. ALthough it's not as bad as some people that I know like a person who calls himself a vagina with legs. *sigh* CURSE YOU TEENAGE HORMONES! >< People who have known me for a while know that I hate pervs and would hardly expect thing that I have only told a couple people.....Maybe I'm just over reacting. I mean, it's not that big of deal I guess....

1 comment:

...Distant... said...

Nice insert of Tyler (Tarter Sauce) there! lmao